
Monday, April 25, 2016

What is Vuforia?

 What is Vuforia? 

Vuforia is an Augmented Reality SDK. It is for mobile devices, and it enables Augmented Reality applications.

They use methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing and mapping images in high dimensions using data from the real world to make numeric information. They use this information to recognize images, like rocks, and because the images (AR moving in real time in the real world) are needed to update very rapidly, to reflect the changes. Vuforia allows people to project images like a 3D model (or sprite) and other various items in the real world. Usually this is done by a mobile device, using its camera to see an image, and map a 3D model to the image. The virtual object is mapping to the Image Target and it tracks the position and orientation of the image in real-time, so it always looks like the viewers perspective on the object maps with the perspective of the Image Target.  Or simply it looks like the virtual object is part of the real world.


Here is our rocks picture

Here is what it looks like when Vuforia does it mapping. Vuforia also gives images ratings, the higher the rating the better the image is for being Augmentable.